Split String Algorithm for FreeBasic
I often use string expressions to pass data between web services, microcontrollers and desktop Applications and the Split algorithm is something I often use to parse them.
Unfortunately, this algorithm is missing from the FreeBasic programming language, so I decided to publish my implementation of the Split string algorithm.
Hope you find it useful !
/' Split Text Algorithm v2.1 for FreeBasic Author: Nikos Siatras https://github.com/nsiatras '/ ' Splits the textToSplit string into multiple Strings, given the delimiter ' that separates them and adds them to the result array Sub Split(byref stringToSplit as const String, byref delimeter as const String, result() as String) Dim lengthOfDelimeter as Integer = len(delimeter) Dim indexOfDelimeter as Integer = 1 Dim delimeterCount as Integer = 0 Dim offset as Integer Dim lastDelimeterIndex as Integer ' Find how many times the delimeter exists in the stringToSplit Do indexOfDelimeter = InStr(indexOfDelimeter, stringToSplit, delimeter) if indexOfDelimeter >0 then delimeterCount += 1 indexOfDelimeter = indexOfDelimeter + lengthOfDelimeter else Exit Do ' Exit Do Loop endif Loop ' The delimeter wasn't found in the string if delimeterCount = 0 then ReDim result(0) result(0) = stringToSplit return endif ' Resize the result array according to delimeter size ReDim result(delimeterCount) ' Serial search inside the stringToSplit in order to find the parts ' separated by the delimeter and push them to the result() array delimeterCount = 0 offset = 1 indexOfDelimeter = 1 Do indexOfDelimeter = InStr(offset, stringToSplit, delimeter) if indexOfDelimeter > 0 then result(delimeterCount) = Mid(stringToSplit, offset, indexOfDelimeter - offset) else if lastDelimeterIndex < len (stringToSplit) then result(delimeterCount) = Mid(stringToSplit, lastDelimeterIndex + lengthOfDelimeter) endif return 'Exit the Do Loop and return! endif lastDelimeterIndex = indexOfDelimeter offset = indexOfDelimeter + lengthOfDelimeter delimeterCount += 1 Loop End Sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Test Code ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dim fStringToSplit as String Dim fSplitParts () as String, tmp as String Dim i as Integer fStringToSplit = ",Welcome,to,Free,Basic,!" Split(fStringToSplit,",",fSplitParts()) ' Print the fSplitParts for i = 0 to ubound(fSplitParts) print "Part #" & i & " " & fSplitParts(i) next print "" fStringToSplit = "Now<>you<>know<>how<>to<>split<>strings<>!" Split(fStringToSplit,"<>",fSplitParts()) ' Print the fSplitParts for i = 0 to ubound(fSplitParts) print "Part #" & i & " " & fSplitParts(i) next
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